2000 Naira Mobile Airtime VIP Auction

₦ 60
₦ 1,950
Buy now for ₦ 1,950
Bidder Prize
LifeWorth ₦ 1,600
Daphine ₦ 1,540
LifeWorth ₦ 1,480
Daphine ₦ 1,420
LifeWorth ₦ 1,360
Daphine ₦ 1,300
LifeWorth ₦ 1,240
Daphine ₦ 1,180
LifeWorth ₦ 1,120
Daphine ₦ 1,060
Retail Price
₦ 1,950
Auction Starting Price
₦ 1,000
Auction Maximum Price
₦ 1,900
Auction Price Increase
₦ 60
Auction Bid Tokens
Auction Hours
3/31/2021 9:00:00 AM - 3/31/2021 9:00:00 PM
Auction Time
3600 s

Auction Price
₦ 1,600
Shipping or/and handling
₦ 20
Total to be paid
₦ 1,620

Product Description

2000 Naira Mobile Airtime

2000 naira airtime for MTN, GLO, 9 Mobile or Airtel.
You will need to specify the type at the point of making payment