2000 Naira MTN Mobile Credit VIP Auction

₦ 100
₦ 1,960
Buy now for ₦ 1,960
Bidder Prize
LifeWorth ₦ 1,700
Baseerah ₦ 1,600
LifeWorth ₦ 1,500
Davekent ₦ 1,400
Baseerah ₦ 1,300
LifeWorth ₦ 1,200
Davekent ₦ 1,100
Retail Price
₦ 1,960
Auction Starting Price
₦ 1,000
Auction Maximum Price
₦ 1,850
Auction Price Increase
₦ 100
Auction Bid Tokens
Auction Hours
12/11/2019 4:00:00 AM - 12/11/2019 2:00:00 PM
Auction Time
3600 s

Auction Price
₦ 1,700
Shipping or/and handling
₦ 20
Total to be paid
₦ 1,720

Product Description

2000 Naira MTN Mobile Credit

Top up or recharge voice calls by 2000 naira. This is sent automatically to the specified MTN mobile number.